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Nudge Your Colleagues

Engaging your colleagues to refer suitable candidates is a pivotal step in the recruitment process. Wintro simplifies this by enabling you to ‘nudge’ your colleagues directly from the platform.

How to Nudge Colleagues

Navigate to the Accepted stage within the Candidates tab. Here, you’ll find the matches that you or other recruiters have accepted for a specific vacancy. Next to each colleague who is connected to an accepted candidate, you’ll see a Nudge button.

Customizing Your Nudge

Click the Nudge button to open a window where you can customize your outreach:

  1. Select the colleague to nudge. The interface also shows when this colleague was last nudged and by whom, helping you avoid sending too many reminders.
  2. Choose the nudge type: Decide whether you want to be introduced to this specific candidate or to all matching candidates that the colleague is connected to.
  3. Select the communication channel: Email is always an option, but if you’ve connected other channels (like Slack, Teams, or Google Chat), those will be available too. If you need to connect additional channels, you can do so under the Communication section in settings.

Crafting Your Message

A message box will appear where you can:

  • Let our AI generate a message for you by setting the tone (casual, funny, or formal) and selecting the language.
  • Our AI will use information about the vacancy and the candidate to tailor the message.
  • Alternatively, you can use a predefined template from the settings if you prefer consistency in your communications.
  • A link to the candidate or vacancy in Wintro will be automatically added at the end of the message, allowing your colleague to easily refer, recommend, or reject the match by clicking the link.

Sending the Nudge

Once your message is ready, click Send. The message will be dispatched through your selected communication channels. Congratulations, you have successfully nudged a colleague!

Repeat and Track

Continue to nudge more colleagues for other matches or vacancies. Meanwhile, keep an eye on your colleagues’ responses and track the progress of referrals through the platform.

Having nudged your colleagues, your next step is to monitor and manage these referrals effectively in the Track Suggestions section.